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Results (139 - 141 of 8171)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#3921 atul outdated Connection Problem

I used latest version of Filezilla client, but i have found one problem in my one website where login connection is established but stop in file directory listing and shows error like "Failed to retrieve directory listing". I tried to passive mode, and also tried to set 21 port. but could not success. But when i tried to connect with another software ws_ftp_pro, i could connect. Why i can not connect with filezilla ?

#3930 fzuser fixed Crash: Menu => Edit => Clear private data...

System: Intel P4, Windows XP SP3

FileZilla Client: Version: 3.1.5 Compiled for: i586-pc-mingw32msvc Build date: 2008-10-22

Issue: FileZilla crashes when using "Clear private data..." function.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install FileZilla client 3.1.5 (fresh install)
  2. Run FileZilla client
  3. Go to menu Edit => "Clear private data..."
  4. Click OK button
  5. If no debugger is running, FileZilla quits immediately

Note: Bug has been noticed in version, but previous versions of FileZilla client might be affected as well.

#3933 Avraham duplicate files with an underscore before file name causes filezilla to not be able to work with it

I have many files on my ftp server that filezilla can "see" but when I want to either erase them, back them up, or rename them, I get the error message that the files do not exist. (550 Sorry, but that file doesn't exist) When I first try to highlight the file, the space does not show up at all. I only realized there was a space before the file name when I used the program ws_ftp professional. When I renamed the file by taking out the space, it worked on ws_ftp professional and I was able to then access the file with filezilla.

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