Ticket #68: logfile.txt

File logfile.txt, 2.1 KB (added by peterhead, 22 years ago)

Logfile of failure

1Status: Starting upload of C:\User\TestUploadFile.exe
2Command: PWD
3Response: 257 "/C/User/ftproot" is current directory.
4Command: TYPE I
5Response: 200 Type set to I.
6Command: SIZE TestUploadFile.exe
7Response: 550 Access denied.
8Command: PORT 192,168,0,2,7,135
9Response: 200 PORT command successful.
10Command: STOR TestUploadFile.exe
11Response: 125 Ready to receive "TestUploadFile.exe" . Mode STREAM Type BINARY.
12Command: ABOR
13Error: Upload aborted
14Error: Interrupted by user!
15Response: 225 ABOR command successful.
16Status: Retrieving directory listing...
17Command: PWD
18Response: 257 "/C/User/ftproot" is current directory.
19Command: PORT 192,168,0,2,7,138
20Response: 200 PORT command successful.
21Command: TYPE A
22Response: 200 Type set to A.
23Command: LIST
24Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls (181 bytes).
25Response: 226 Transfer complete. 181 bytes in 0.01 sec. (176.758 Kb/s)
26Status: Starting upload of C:\User\TestUploadFile.exe
27Command: PWD
28Response: 257 "/C/User/ftproot" is current directory.
29Command: TYPE I
30Response: 200 Type set to I.
31Command: SIZE TestUploadFile.exe
32Response: 213 47677440
33Command: PORT 192,168,0,2,7,139
34Response: 200 PORT command successful.
35Command: APPE TestUploadFile.exe
36Response: 125 Ready to receive "TestUploadFile.exe" (restart at 47677440 bytes). Mode STREAM Type BINARY.
37Response: 426 Write error (se=0, pe=1006). Transfer aborted.
38Error: Upload failed
39Error: Upload failed
40Status: Retrieving directory listing...
41Command: PWD
42Response: 257 "/C/User/ftproot" is current directory.
43Command: PORT 192,168,0,2,7,140
44Response: 200 PORT command successful.
45Command: TYPE A
46Response: 200 Type set to A.
47Command: LIST
48Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls (181 bytes).
49Response: 226 Transfer complete. 181 bytes in 0.00 sec. (176.758 Kb/s)
50Status: Retrieving directory listing...
51Command: PWD
52Response: 257 "/C/User/ftproot" is current directory.
53Command: PORT 192,168,0,2,7,141
54Response: 200 PORT command successful.
55Command: TYPE A
56Response: 200 Type set to A.
57Command: LIST
58Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls (181 bytes).
59Response: 226 Transfer complete. 181 bytes in 0.00 sec. (176.758 Kb/s)