Ticket #4838: index.html

File index.html, 9.8 KB (added by aasim_ansari75, 12 years ago)
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83 <h2>Welcome to <span>NAME</span>!</h2>
84 Welcome to name
85We’re here to make best use of the potential of your brand by enabling you to communicate your identity effectively and consistently, through the use of creative and bright visual solutions.
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101 <h2 class="center">Think.</h2>
102 <p>We stick to our promise to meet the deadlines as we know the value of time, we strive hard to acheive the maximum return on investment for our clients and we dont even try to meet but also exceed the expectations.</p><p></p>
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113 <h2 class="center">Process.</h2>
114 <p>Our strength is an in house creative, skilled and enthusiastic team of designers, visualizers, artists, architects, engineers, fabricators, etc.</p>
115 <p>&nbsp;</p><p></p>
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126 <h2 class="center">Succeed.</h2>
127 <p>Our vision is to generate Maximum Revenue and Return on Investment (ROI) for our clients, Search for new markets for their Services and Products and Exceed client expectation by providing Quality Business Promotion Solutions.</p>
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138 <h2>Features Overview</h2>
139 <p><strong>Welcome to name</strong><br>
140 We’re here to make best use of the potential of your brand by enabling you to communicate your identity effectively and consistently, through the use of creative and bright visual solutions.<br>
141 <br>
142 <br>
143 Name has over 5 years’ experience in producing stimulating and inventive work for a various range of companies at the highest height of industry, and we boast a energetic team of specialists including...<br>
144 <br>
145 Dedicated Account Handlers<br>
146 Graphic &amp; 3D Designers<br>
147 Print and Colour Management Experts<br>
148 Skilled Finishers<br>
149 Seasoned Installers<br>
150 <br>
151 ...which enables us to convey wonderful large-scale production on-time and within budget, anywhere in the world.<br>
152 <a href="Contact.html" target="null" title="">Contact Us</a>&nbsp;for more information.</p>
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158 <h2>Advantages</h2>
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160 <li><a href="#"><img src="images/icon1.jpg" alt="">Starting up</a></li>
161 <li><a href="#"><img src="images/icon2.jpg" alt="">Finance and grants</a></li>
162 <li><a href="#"><img src="images/icon3.jpg" alt="">Taxes, returns &amp; payroll</a></li>
163 <li><a href="#"><img src="images/icon4.jpg" alt="">Employment &amp; skills</a></li>
164 <li class="bg_none"><a href="#"><img src="images/icon5.jpg" alt="">Health, safety, premises</a></li>
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218 designed by TemplateMonster.com</p>
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220 <a href="http://www.templates.com/product/3d-models/" target="_blank">3D Models</a><br>
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