1 | Index: source/Interface/OptionsPasvPage.cpp
2 | ===================================================================
3 | RCS file: /cvsroot/filezilla/FileZilla Server/source/Interface/OptionsPasvPage.cpp,v
4 | retrieving revision 1.3
5 | diff -r1.3 OptionsPasvPage.cpp
6 | 139c139
7 | < if (nPortMin<1 || nPortMin>65535 || nPortMax<1 || nPortMax>65535 || nPortMin>=nPortMax)
8 | ---
9 | > if (nPortMin<1 || nPortMin>65535 || nPortMax<1 || nPortMax>65535 || nPortMin>nPortMax)
10 | 143c143
11 | < AfxMessageBox("The port values have to be in the range from 1 to 65535. Also, the first value has to be lower than the second one.");
12 | ---
13 | > AfxMessageBox("The port values have to be in the range from 1 to 65535. Also, the first value has to be lower than or equal to the second one.");
14 |
15 |