Ticket #12603: filezilla bug report - file date from remote not recognized.txt

File filezilla bug report - file date from remote not recognized.txt, 11.2 KB (added by jean-paul LAMONTRE, 3 years ago)

filezilla trace + output of LIST command + detazils on the problem

1Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
2Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 0
3Status: Resolving address of amie74
4Status: Connecting to
5Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
6Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
7Response: 220-QTCP at AMIE74.RIT.LOCAL.
8Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
9Response: 220 Connection will close if idle more than 5 minutes.
10Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 1
11Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
12Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 2
13Command: AUTH TLS
14Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
15Response: 431 Requested security mechanism not available at this time.
16Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 2
17Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
18Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 3
19Command: AUTH SSL
20Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
21Response: 431 Requested security mechanism not available at this time.
22Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 3
23Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS.
24Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
25Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 5
26Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SetAsyncRequestReply
27Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
28Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 6
29Command: USER jpltools
30Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
31Response: 331 Enter password.
32Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 6
33Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
34Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 6
35Command: PASS ******
36Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
37Response: 230 JPLTOOLS logged on.
38Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 6
39Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
40Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 7
41Command: SYST
42Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
43Response: 215 OS/400 is the remote operating system. The TCP/IP version is "V7R4M0".
44Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 7
45Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
46Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 8
47Command: FEAT
48Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
49Response: 211-Feature listing follows:
50Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
51Response: AUTH TLS
52Response: AUTH GSS
53Response: CCC
54Response: PBSZ
55Response: PROT
56Response: ADAT
57Response: ENC
58Response: MIC
59Response: CONF
60Response: 211 End of feature listing.
61Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 8
62Status: Server does not support non-ASCII characters.
63Status: Logged in
64Trace: Measured latency of 119 ms
65Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
66Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
67Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Reset(0) in state 15
68Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
69Trace: CFtpListOpData::Send() in state 0
70Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/home/jpltools"...
71Trace: CFtpChangeDirOpData::Send() in state 0
72Trace: CFtpChangeDirOpData::Send() in state 2
73Command: CWD /home/jpltools
74Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
75Response: 250-NAMEFMT set to 1.
76Response: 250 "/home/jpltools" is current directory.
77Trace: CFtpChangeDirOpData::ParseResponse() in state 2
78Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
79Trace: CFtpChangeDirOpData::Send() in state 3
80Command: PWD
81Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
82Response: 257 "/home/jpltools" is current directory.
83Trace: CFtpChangeDirOpData::ParseResponse() in state 3
84Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
85Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
86Trace: CFtpChangeDirOpData::Reset(0) in state 3
87Trace: CFtpListOpData::SubcommandResult(0) in state 1
88Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
89Trace: CFtpListOpData::Send() in state 2
90Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::Send() in state 0
91Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::Send() in state 1
92Command: TYPE I
93Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
94Response: 200 Representation type is binary IMAGE.
95Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::ParseResponse() in state 1
96Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
97Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::Send() in state 2
98Command: PASV
99Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
100Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,2,187,154,183).
101Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::ParseResponse() in state 2
102Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
103Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::Send() in state 4
104Trace: Binding data connection source IP to control connection source IP
105Command: LIST
106Trace: CTransferSocket::OnConnect
107Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
108Response: 125 List started.
109Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::ParseResponse() in state 4
110Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
111Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::Send() in state 5
112Trace: CTransferSocket::TransferEnd(1)
113Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferEnd()
114Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
115Response: 250 List completed.
116Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::ParseResponse() in state 7
117Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
118Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
119Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::Reset(0) in state 7
120Trace: CFtpListOpData::SubcommandResult(0) in state 3
121Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
122Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
123Trace: CFtpListOpData::Reset(0) in state 3
124Status: Directory listing of "/home/jpltools" successful
125Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
126Trace: CFtpListOpData::Send() in state 0
127Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/home/jpltools/JPLPLUG/FRAME4PGM"...
128Trace: CFtpChangeDirOpData::Send() in state 0
129Trace: CFtpChangeDirOpData::Send() in state 2
130Command: CWD /home/jpltools/JPLPLUG/FRAME4PGM
131Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
132Response: 250 "/home/jpltools/JPLPLUG/FRAME4PGM" is current directory.
133Trace: CFtpChangeDirOpData::ParseResponse() in state 2
134Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
135Trace: CFtpChangeDirOpData::Send() in state 3
136Command: PWD
137Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
138Response: 257 "/home/jpltools/JPLPLUG/FRAME4PGM" is current directory.
139Trace: CFtpChangeDirOpData::ParseResponse() in state 3
140Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
141Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
142Trace: CFtpChangeDirOpData::Reset(0) in state 3
143Trace: CFtpListOpData::SubcommandResult(0) in state 1
144Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
145Trace: CFtpListOpData::Send() in state 2
146Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::Send() in state 0
147Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::Send() in state 2
148Command: PASV
149Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
150Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,2,187,133,94).
151Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::ParseResponse() in state 2
152Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
153Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::Send() in state 4
154Trace: Binding data connection source IP to control connection source IP
155Command: LIST
156Trace: CTransferSocket::OnConnect
157Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
158Response: 125 List started.
159Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::ParseResponse() in state 4
160Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
161Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::Send() in state 5
162Trace: CTransferSocket::TransferEnd(1)
163Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferEnd()
164Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
165Response: 250 List completed.
166Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::ParseResponse() in state 7
167Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
168Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
169Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::Reset(0) in state 7
170Trace: CFtpListOpData::SubcommandResult(0) in state 3
171Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
172Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
173Trace: CFtpListOpData::Reset(0) in state 3
174Status: Directory listing of "/home/jpltools/JPLPLUG/FRAME4PGM" successful
177on the second LIST command, filezilla has received
181229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||19734|).
182125 List started.
183JPLTOOLDEV 3660 25/10/21 15:59:59 *STMF AA_KEYS.RPGLE
184JPLTOOLDEV 528626 01/11/21 16:20:10 *STMF AA_RPG.SQLRPGLE
185JPLTOOLDEV 4514 11/10/21 14:57:51 *STMF AAA000.CLLE
186JPLTOOLS 391376 15/11/21 16:48:48 *STMF EXECSQL4R.SQLRPGLE
187JPLTOOLDEV 15494 10/10/21 14:34:08 *STMF FRAME2.RPGLE
188JPLTOOLDEV 113338 12/12/21 17:13:26 *STMF KEY_M.RPGLE
189JPLTOOLDEV 35502 29/10/21 17:49:09 *STMF MAKEKEY.SQLRPGLE
190JPLTOOLDEV 11346 07/12/21 18:12:09 *STMF MKSECANZ.CLLE
191JPLTOOLS 5124 11/10/21 20:20:24 *STMF MKWRKKEY.CLLE
192JPLTOOLDEV 72224 11/10/21 20:34:02 *STMF PLUG_M.RPGLE
193JPLTOOLDEV 59658 29/10/21 17:45:42 *STMF WRKKEYS.SQLRPGLE
194JPLTOOLDEV 14030 01/12/21 12:16:23 *STMF EXECSQL4C.CLLE
195JPLTOOLS 7318 17/10/21 17:59:16 *STMF EXECSQL4T.SQL
196JPLTOOLDEV 27450 12/12/21 17:47:28 *STMF SECANZ.CLLE
197JPLTOOLS 16011 17/10/21 18:10:32 *STMF EXECSQL4T.SQL.log
198JPLTOOLDEV 27694 02/12/21 09:45:20 *STMF CMPTBL.CLLE
199JPLTOOLDEV 17934 07/12/21 18:37:18 *STMF INSBASE.CLLE
200JPLTOOLDEV 6710 08/11/21 16:11:06 *STMF INSSECANZ.CLLE
201JPLTOOLDEV 16348 12/12/21 17:43:21 *STMF MKBASE.CLLE
202JPLTOOLDEV 6222 14/10/21 09:49:34 *STMF WRKKEYSPF.CLLE
203JPLTOOLDEV 16470 25/10/21 16:07:36 *STMF IFSENCODE.RPGLE
204JPLTOOLS 14518 10/10/21 08:55:35 *STMF IFSENCODE1.RPGLE
205JPLTOOLDEV 5978 24/10/21 16:06:49 *STMF LOGO2XML.CLLE
206JPLTOOLDEV 38552 11/10/21 16:21:24 *STMF LOGO2XMLR.SQLRPGLE
207JPLTOOLDEV 8906 24/10/21 16:07:22 *STMF RTVLOG.CLLE
208JPLTOOLDEV 41846 01/11/21 16:03:32 *STMF RTVLOGR.SQLRPGLE
209JPLTOOLDEV 15128 15/11/21 15:46:06 *STMF SQL2HTM.CLLE
210JPLTOOLDEV 210206 05/12/21 11:08:43 *STMF SQL2HTMR.SQLRPGLE
211JPLTOOLDEV 14152 29/10/21 17:36:35 *STMF TESTRC4.RPGLE
212JPLTOOLS 10248 27/10/21 17:59:50 *STMF REORDERR.SQLRPGLE
213JPLTOOLDEV 8174 03/11/21 10:33:32 *STMF TESTRST.CLLE
214JPLTOOLDEV 122 07/11/21 16:55:54 *STMF SQLFUNC.SRVPGM
215JPLTOOLDEV 21594 14/11/21 18:08:57 *STMF SQLFUNC_M.RPGLE
216JPLTOOLDEV 6710 14/11/21 12:02:21 *STMF INSCMPTBL.CLLE
217JPLTOOLDEV 16470 15/11/21 21:55:27 *STMF KEYMAIL.CLLE
218JPLTOOLDEV 11346 16/11/21 12:50:15 *STMF KEYMAIL2.CLLE
219JPLTOOLDEV 7076 16/11/21 17:51:35 *STMF KEYMAIL3.CLLE
220JPLTOOLDEV 9638 14/11/21 12:03:15 *STMF MKCMPTBL.CLLE
221JPLTOOLDEV 56730 14/11/21 11:51:10 *STMF RTVLNK.SQLRPGLE
222JPLTOOLDEV 400892 10/12/21 08:43:06 *STMF EXECSQL_4.SQLRPGLE
223JPLTOOLDEV 29402 12/12/21 16:07:53 *STMF SECTEN.CLLE
224JPLTOOLDEV 5612 12/12/21 16:21:45 *STMF AAA001.RPGLE
225JPLTOOLDEV 7564 12/12/21 17:13:49 *STMF PARTID.RPGLE
231looking at these 2 items:
232JPLTOOLDEV 14030 01/12/21 12:16:23 *STMF EXECSQL4C.CLLE
233JPLTOOLS 7318 17/10/21 17:59:16 *STMF EXECSQL4T.SQL
236the date displayed for is
237EXECSQL4C.CLLE 2021-01-12
238EXECSQL4T.SQL 2021-10-17
241the remote server is an IBMI (not in the list of server types in site manager / advanced)
243there is no option in the LIST command to specify a date format
245In my opinion, it is necessary to add a setting for date format in stite manager / avanced near adjust server time