Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#12014 closed Feature request (rejected)

Password and access level permission suggestion — at Version 2

Reported by: Matt Owned by:
Priority: low Component: FileZilla Server
Keywords: Cc:
Component version: 3.45.1 Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: 10

Description (last modified by Tim Kosse)

I use FileZilla for uploading managing and files and folders in multiple sites on my laptop for multiple clients.

Sometimes I leave my laptop at hotel or a coffee shop, etc

I am suggesting to add an option to ask for password if FileZilla is inactive for certain time like 30 minutes. Admins can change or de-activate it at any time.

Also, it would be good to add different access level for file and folder management & access like allowing multiple users accessing a site, yet each person only can access and manage certain file and folders. It would be a great security resource for larger projects.



Change History (2)

comment:1 by Tim Kosse, 5 years ago

Resolution: rejected
Status: newclosed

Lock your screen when you leave your computer. You can even configure your operating system to do this automatically.

comment:2 by Tim Kosse, 5 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
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