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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#10257 shortcut forgotten at update new Bug report low FileZilla Client

At each update, the desktop icon is rewritten and any keyboard user shortcut such as Str-F used to launch FileZilla is forgotten.

#10260 Allow Save/Edit the local and remote site drop down contents new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice to have an option to save and pre-populate the local and remote site drop down contents on a site by site basis as very often we are visiting the same sites over and over again. If this is an option, then it might be nice to allow removing folders from that list.

Current FileZilla Client information:


Build information:

Compiled for: i686-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2015-02-01 Compiled with: i686-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 4.9.1 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -fexceptions -std=gnu++11

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.3 GnuTLS: 3.2.21 SQLite:

Operating system:

Name: Windows 8.1 (build 9600), 64-bit edition Version: 6.3 Platform: 64-bit system

#10266 Implementation of Kerberos/GSSAPI support (RFC 2228) new Patch normal FileZilla Client

I've implemented Kerberos/GSSAPI support (RFC 2228) for the FileZilla client. I've made sure my changes work against the most recent source code of FileZilla. I've tested this on MacOS X and Windows, and I believe there should be no problems having it work on Linux.

I'd like to get this into the FileZilla source code. So ... what do I need to do to make this happen? Should I just post the patch here?

#10276 Default Action after Queue completion new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Is it possible to have one default action after completing the queue? Refer to snapshot attached for clarity.

#10277 Use Connection NAME or IP in temporary name for edit files new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Right now, FileZilla uses fz3temp-1, fz3temp-2 based on Tabs open.

But if we are editing same files in differente server, we could easily mess things.

Like c:\temp\fz3temp-1\htaccess and c:\temp\fz3temp-2\htaccess

If we could use IP or Connection name in its temporary directory, we could get the context quickly without having to worry about misleading.

If possible, use something like this to help us when editing files. Like c:\temp\fz3temp-PRODUCTION_SERVER\htaccess and c:\temp\fz3temp-BETA_SERVER\htaccess


Like c:\temp\fz3temp-10_1_0_18\htaccess and c:\temp\fz3temp-192_168_0_103\htaccess

it would be a huge difference for us


#10285 Right/Command Click for List Of Sites new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I had just started using this nice quick connect when it went away. I saw that the right click had gone away due a change in Apple's Cocoa functionality, but the command-click alternative is also not working. Also the tool-tip still says that right click works fyi.

How about a drop down or icon in the quick connect bar to select an existing site from a list if you can't do it on tool-bars anymore?

Thanks for your great tool!

#10291 Show time when a request was sent or received new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


a feature for showing the exact time when a request was sent or received would be an useful enhancement for the logging window.

Best Regards, Ettore Atalan

#10297 Extra download slot for View/Edit new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Many times when I want to edit a remote file, all the download slots are already in use and the file cannot be edited before one of the downloads is complete. This means no new edits while transferring the backups.

Could we have an option for an extra transfer slot for Viewing/Editing? For example a checkbox at Settings > Transfers page > Concurrent transfers.

#10301 Make "force EPSV over IPv4" available as an option new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi everybody,

first i would like to thank the devs for this great product. I am using it for all of my FTP connections and it worked like a charm.

Now i am trying to setup my own FTP server with the latest available Filezilla FTP Server and i am currently facing an issue that my Filezilla client ( latest version ) is for whatever reason not falling back to try EPSV connection ( because PASV is not working).

My ISP provided me a IPv6 connection to the Internet with a static IPv6 adress. I already discovered that a IPv6 connection to my server is working like a charm, but not through IPv4. Because of this i bought a IPv4 ( not that expensive as i thought ) adress and do portmapping from my IPv4 adress to my IPv6 adress.

I tested the portmapping through my mobile by using a FTP client which is able to force EPSV through IPv4 and i got a successful connection.

If i try the same with my notebook ( connected to the internet through a IPv4 connection ) it fails, because of the error message:

500 You are connected using IPv6. PASV is only for IPv4. You have to use the EPSV command instead.

I also tried to test through and it fails at PASV command.

My request would be to make "force EPSV over IPv4" available as an option for a FTP connection.

#10314 Keyboard Shortcut for Add files to queue new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hello Support,

I would like to request for Keyboard Shortcut for "Add files to queue", I have already checked on your below wiki page, it's not listed there.

Thanks, Jay

#10339 Unable to sort download table new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Great tool - use it most days

Sometimes I set up a big list of downloads. I then stop the process and wish to sort the list by file size so I can remove all the big files or all the small files. But although I can click the size column and I get a UI reaction to indicate a click happened the table does not sort.

#10349 Automatic Backup of file sitemanager.xml new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Today my PC crashes and sitemanager.xml was entirely wiped out...damn!!! As today (damn!!!) I will backup it using third party applications but it would nice to have a backup copy of file sitemanager.xml at each program starts, something like sitemanager.xml.bck

#10371 FileZilla Client Connection lost / reconnection new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

This has been going on for several releases now and apparently no one has reported it. The client will lose the server connection as normal / expected after a period of elapsed time with no activity. However, the client no longer remembers that state. When you try to change folders, it waits a long timeout period before it discovers that the server is not connected and displays an error message. Only then, when again trying to change folders, does it reconnect and change to the requested folder.

It seems to me that the client should remember when the server is disconnected and do the reconnect automatically when an action is taken; like changing folders. Essentially, it is not my problem the client did not remember the server connection was automatically closed. :) The program used to remember the state of the server connection and reconnect when there was information from the server to get.

#10444 speed limits apply per-file, not total for the server new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Speed limits are applied for each individual file download. So if the limit is 100KB/s and one file is being downloaded the total BW occupied by FTP downloads is 100KB/s. If two users are connected (or a single user is downloading two files) the maximum BW becomes 200KB/s.

This makes it nearly impossible to allow more than one connection while limiting total bandwidth the server is using.

#10483 Site Manager default status new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Is there a way to have FileZilla default to the Site list being focused when activating the Site Manager? I'd like to be able to start tabbing or arrowing to the site I want to open rather that having to mouse over and double click.

#10547 Remember Column Size new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

FileZilla Server Interface Not Remembering Column Size After Relaunch. It Is Very Problematic.

#1601 Download graph speed/file/que new Feature request low FileZilla Client

It would be cool if there was download graph with five lines, 1) current download spead (kb/second), 2&3) download progess current file (percent and Mb), 4&5) total download for the Que (percent and Mb).

Like a polygraph, the pens draw the line from right, and the history(paper) scrolls left.

Admitedly trivial utility, but it would be cool!


#1611 Option to Queue Actions for Later new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I used to use Bullet Proof FTP. In BPFTP, all FTP actions are queued, even things like renaming and deleting files. This can be very handy when working with large numbers of files.

It would be nice if FileZilla could do this also. For example, I could queue deletion of one file, then go to another directory, queue deletion of another file, then queue a couple of uploads, queue a file to be renamed, and then click Process Queue and wait while it does all of those actions at once. It saves time if you already know what you're going to do, because you don't have to wait for each action to complete before you select the next one.

Keep up the great work!

#1665 Scheduled queue transfer new Feature request low FileZilla Client

I'm sitemanager at a site where we publish articles and rewiews twice a week. My problem is, I have to stay up until 24:00 when a new article / rewiew is to be published. Is there any chanse to add a feature where I can schedule a transfer of the queue? If so, I could add the files neccesary to the queue and select a date / day / time for processing the queue. Also, I suggest that this feature takes care of connection / disconnection when the selected time occurs. An example:

at 24:00, the program connects to the server, process the queue and then disconnect. If any problems occur, a warning message including the errors pops up. When I wake up, I will see if the transfer was successfully - and if not, I will know what the problem was.

This would help me a lot!

Regards, Vidar Fagerjord, siteadmin.

#1676 Quota info in ftp log new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

a little function to indicate the allowed size on the server (quota). The actual size of files and the maximum size. it's great when we upload big file, and we have no more place !

#1723 File/Directory Descriptions new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Please add file/direction description field on remote site view. Read the #index.txt or 00index.txt format description...

#1774 multipart and multi-proxy transfer support new Feature request low FileZilla Client
  1. using multipart transfer, we can divide one file into

several part, transfer each part individualy and simultaneously, then merge then into one file.

  1. using multi-proxy transfer, we can transfer several

files or several part of one file at the same time with a server that has session limited per IP. For example, we have a server X allow only 1 session for one IP, and we have 4 proxy a, b, c, d. We can transfer file1 from X directly, and transfer file2 simultaneously through a, transfer file3 through b, and so on. Or transfer part1 of a file from X directly, part2 of that file through a, and so on. This can break the session limition of the server, especially with speed limition per session. Of course, some strategy may be included, e.g. how many session per IP is allowed for the server, which proxy can be used as one of multi-proxy, distribute one transfer task to as many proxy as possible first or to one proxy as possible as server support first.

#1815 Change number of simultaneous transfers on the fly new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to see on the fly threads changing. For example, i can pick how many threads should be opened for download/upload on the fly instead of going to settings. Something like LeechFTP would be nice :) keep up the good work

#1818 Hotkey for Change Directory (remote and local) new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Be nice to have hotkeys to change the directory of the remote window and the local window (Ctrl+D, Ctrl+E or something like that).

Aaron aheck@…

#1819 HTTP downloading new Feature request low FileZilla Client

It would be cool that filezilla accept data on HTTP protocol. (download and resume)

#1820 browse for local folder new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

doubleclicking the label "Local Site" should bring up a browse window to locate a folder quicker, as the normal treeview/address is too small, especially because of the vertical layout and the remote view. also, "Desktop" should be one of the options

#1827 rsync capability would be fantastic new Feature request low FileZilla Client

It would be great if rsync was built into FileZilla such that local and remote machines can be synchronized and mirrored to.

#1841 Mention "Overwrite if newer" in console on skipping new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When uploading using the "overwrite if newer" option it is hard to tell when a file is skipped. If there was a mention of the skipping in either the console or queue or both it would be great.

#1862 Client: Show Connection # in Log new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

While downloading several thousand small (few KB) files, I turned on 4 simultaneous connections to speed it up. When downloading such small files, the speed is held back by waiting for the server to start sending each file, so by running many at once, the overall transfer speed stays more constant.

I had to pause the download, so I unpressed the Process Queue toolbar button. Then when I resumed it, I got some failed transfers. Files were created with the right names, but with 0 bytes, and they were removed from the queue. As a result, I'm going to have to start the transfer all over again to be sure I get all of the files. :/

I was going to report a bug, but there is a problem: With multiple connections, you can't tell which commands and responses are on which connection, so you can't figure out which transfers failed! I have included an example at the bottom.

As you can see, it's impossible to tell which commands and responses are for which connections, so you can't tell which ones are failing and which are succeeding. A simple change to something like:

[1] Command: [1] Response: [2] Command: [4] Response: [2] Response: [4] Command: [3] Response:

Would show which commands and responses are for which connections. They could also be color-coded. Also, you could use a drop-down box to choose which connections' logs you wanted to see in the log pane.

If this is implemented, maybe we can track down this bug that caused the zero-byte files.


Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/340_ratings.ssi Command: TYPE I Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,148 Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,149 Response: 200 Type set to I. Response: 425 Try later, data connection in use. Command: PASV Status: Download successful Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/340comments.ssi Response: 425 Try later, data connection in use. Error: Download failed Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/340_ratings.ssi Response: 425 Try later, data connection in use. Command: PASV Command: TYPE I Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Response: 200 Type set to I. Error: Download failed Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/340.ssi Command: TYPE I Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I. Error: Download failed Status: Starting download of /levels/files/ssi/34_ratings.ssi Command: TYPE I Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,150 Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,151 Response: 425 Try later, data connection in use. Command: PASV Response: 200 PORT Command successful. Response: 200 Type set to I. Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,152 Command: PORT 192,168,0,191,10,153 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (66,208,97,18,14,64) Command: RETR 340.ssi Response: 200 Type set to I. Error: Download failed

#1863 Show % in title! new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Can you add possibility that FileZilla show percent of downloaded/uploaded stuff in title, so it can be seen when minimized? (or tray icon, that will show percent?)

Thanks and keep up good work!!

Regards Zoran, Serbia (Europe)

#1864 Move File (upload/download and delete) new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

would be nice if there was some option to "move" (like download and delete from source) file instead of default copy...

thanks, filezilla rules ;)

#1868 File Tree Drop-down new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#4 - If you've ever used CuteFTP Pro, you know what I mean by this: have the file system tree as a drop-down rather than a seperate pane on the local side. Gives more real estate to the file list.

#1870 Navigation Buttons new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#6 - Windows Explorer style nav buttons over panes, like "back" and "up one level". With that, the ability to hide the ".." in the file list would be nice.

#1873 Site List Import new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It was suggested that I take these suggestions which I wrote out in the public forums, and put them up individually in the Tracker. So, here I go - 9 feature requests, all individually posted.

#9 - CuteFTP and WSFTP site import. I spent about 30 minutes converting my CuteFTP ini file to the proper XML format, so I know it can be done automatically. And yes, the 30 minutes was a time savings, with the number of sites I had to set up.

#1885 % of completed transfer new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

in taskbar minimized mode :]

#1920 Default file attributes new Feature request high FileZilla Client

An option to set default file attributes when uploading files. Would be most useful for website uploading. Best would be individual settings for each site.

#1925 Show Greatest Left time in TaskBar new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi, I use FileZilla for thanks.

My Last favor is that I want know the remain time

without clicking on Filezilla icon on TaskBar on the bottom of screen.

If there are multiple file that download or upload, show

the longest left time in title like attached ScreenShot.

Briefly, I want know when Network is ready :D

Thanks for reading.

#1936 website prune feature new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'd like FileZilla to be able to delete from the server the files that no longer exist on my PC. Then when I upload my website, I know that any changed filenames or whatever will not leave wasteful orphaned files on the server.

This suggestion is similar to others: *the rsync one (755621) *file synchronisation (721808)

and differs in that I would not expect FileZilla to delete any local files. It is likely that my suggestion could be rolled up with 721808, i.e. FileZilla would provide a website upload capability that worked by file synchronisation to make all the server files a proper subset of the local files.

#1940 At-a-glance log of uploads and downloads new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As a user, one of the main features that I need with FTP clients is a simple, saved list of all things that are uploaded and downloaded, from where, to where, and when. I can get that by setting the Debug list to save to a log file - but it doesn't say where thing come from or go to, it doesn't say when, and (most importantly), it's cluttered with all sorts of other things I don't need so that it quickly turns into an absolutely huge file I can't use.

The best example of the type of log file I'm looking for is provided by WS_FTP. I attached a sample of the kind of thing I'm looking for.

Is there any way we can have FileZilla automatically create a simple text file like this, so I can see at a glance that (say) I did download the wna_site.mdb database, and then uploaded it again 15 minutes later.

#1945 repeat-last-transfer Hotkey (also on off-focus or so) new Feature request low FileZilla Client

usefull for the most repeated task (for some kind of happieness)

#2000 option to change font in the log window new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

it would be nice, if the font of the log window could be configured somewhere in the "appearance" part of the options menu.

the default font is currently something like "times new roman".

i would suggest to change the default font in the log window to "courrier" or any other font where the characters have equal widths.

many ftp sites use ascii-art welcome messages and other information ouput, which is specially layouted for fonts which have characters of equal widths. with the current font configuration they are quite hard to read.

thanks a lot for that great software!

#2001 Non Default Login Retry Dela new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hello, I love your idea of a global connection retry / login delay in the connection settings! Could you install an option for each individual ftp site so you can manually put in a non default retry delay incase it has to be set to the non default option.

I.E. global retry delay is 50 seconds. For you can set it for 2 minutes via a 'non default' option withing the


#2016 Reconnect new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be useful if the Reconnect item (under File) were to indicate choices of sites previously connected to.


Luigi Bianchi

#2046 Local Treeview Improvement new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently, the local treeview doesn't display the folder of My Network Place. So user can access the local intranet by local treeview.

#2120 Flash taskbar button on connection new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When server is full FileFlash automatically retries to connect to FTP server. Sometimes it can take quite a while before the connection is established and users usually do other things when waiting. During this time the FileZilla window is begind other windows. So when FileZilla connects to server it would be nice if its taksbar button flasshed so that users can see that something happened in the FZ window.

#2122 Differant directory views new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently when viewing either the local or remot directories it is in the "list" view. I would like to see over views added like "licons". (basicly making it move like windows where you can have your folder views many diffeant ways)

#2124 Support for NTLM proxy auth new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla will not work through Microsoft ISA Server with NTLM authentication required.

Mozilla, including Mozilla FireFox does support NTLM auth for the HTTP proxy, so the code could be taken from there.

There is also a Python program APS that will work. It belongs here:

It references a description of the protocol here:

#2157 show average transfer speed per transfer new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

At present, the only time stamp is when FileZilla is started. I request that each event is time stamped. Also, a request that average transfer speed should be logged. The two items are linked and it can be calculated manually if required so long as one item or the other is put into the log file.

Cheers SeismicBod

#2219 uploaded file verification new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When uploading lots of small files for websites (especially PHP coded sites) I've encountered times when several files are corrupted. For PHP sites, this usually breaks some part of the site.

Is it possible to have an option to make Filezilla verify uploaded files (or at least double-check the file sizes?)


#2222 Mirror Connections new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

What would be a cool addition to a super-cool program, would be the ability to designate a connection as a mirror to another connection. so that whatever you do to one connection (Send / Rename / Delete), it will also do to its mirror connection.

Many thanks, with kind regards,


#2230 Option to not ask 'break current connection?' new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

How about an option to avoid the question: 'Break current connection?' when changing ftp sites.

I use FileZilla with many different sites, very frequently switching between them. Removing this message would make things a fair bit smoother.



#2250 Make "Use Multiple Connections" setting persistent new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I know there's already at least one feature request asking for this, but it's been almost 3 years and is unresolved.

I prefer not to hammer any servers I'm downloading from with multiple connections, and would like to see this setting become persistent, and ideally should be disabled initially.

#2263 UNC Path for Remote Site new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


is it possible to do a quick fix for UNC path support on the remote site.

pcname\share" should result in "CWD
pcname\share" instead of "cwd drive:/pcname/share".

thanks in advance


#2268 Upload file as <new name> new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Please include a function that allows you to change the name of a file when uploading it without having to change the source file´s name. This is usefull when the source system does not allow long filenames.

#2269 Autohide queue window when empty new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Autohide queue window when there is nothing in the que so that there is more screen space for the interesting bits.

#2433 Allow only one instance (option). new Feature request high FileZilla Client

Having a option to allow only one instance would stop accidentsly opening more then one instance of FileZilla (useful for people who have only one target site, and would hence rarely need more than one instance).

#2435 Allow registration as a URL handler for FTP, SFTP new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Optional) registration as the default URL handler in windows may be added with a registry addition similar to:


[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\sftp] @="URL:sftp Protocol" "URL Protocol"=""



[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\sftp\shell\open\command] @="\"C:
Program Files
FileZilla.exe\" \"%1\"" --END--

Allowing FZ to register itself for FTP and SFTP URLs would be useful.

For SFTP, this is potentially blocked by this bug:

#2521 Speed limits per-file/directory new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Under the general topic of managing huge downloads more efficiently:

It would be very helpful if there were a way in the front-end of the FileZilla client to turn the speed limiter on and off. Instead, one must go into the preferences.

A very good example of a program that manages bandwidth well is uTorrent. You can set up a schedule in a graphical way that is more intuitive than FileZilla's schedule rules. You can also turn the schedule on and off in the front end by right clicking in the lower status bar. Finally, uTorrent does some very interesting and convienent things with download prioritization.

In the context of the FileZilla interface, it would probably be more consistent to add a button in the main toolbar instead of a context menu in the status bar, though adding both wouldn't hurt.

Additionally, it would be helpful if you could apply speed limit rules on a per-file (or per-directory) basis to limit certain downloads and not to others in the queue.

For instance, let's say I'm downloading a huge DVD ISO of a Linux distro. This will take several days on a slow DSL connection. Rather than sucking up my bandwidth for days on end, I'd set a speed limit. Now, in the middle of this big download, I need to pull down some work-related files. Rather than pausing the big download, turning off the speed limiter, initiating the new download, waiting for it to finish, and restarting the big download again with the speed limit rules, it would be better if I could right-click the big download and simply apply the speed limit to it alone, leaving the new high-priority download to utilize the remainder of my available bandwidth.

I hope this makes sense. I am happy to discuss the feature request further. I'm 'ixnayus' at gmail. Thanks for all your work on a great product.

Many thanks, Steve

#2752 Browse on remote directory on Advanced tab of Site Manager new Feature request low FileZilla Client

It would be nice if there was a "Browse..." button next to "Default remote directory" on the Advanced tab of the Site Manager. Since (if) the log in information is already supplied on the General tab, Filezilla (I guess) could log on to the server and retrieve the directory tree, and using that information create a "Browse for Folder" dialog such as the one opened when clicking the "Browse..." button next to "Default local directory".

#2768 Update local folder if content is changed new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

You view the content of a folder (on your PC). Then this content is changed (for instance a file is copied to this folder). Now FileZilla will not display the changes until you switch to another folder and then go back to the one you have been in before.

It should show the changes immediatelly (as for instance Windows Explorer does).

#2815 Add directory collapse "pluses" to unknown directories new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice if directories that still haven't been opened had the little plus sign beside them by default, which would then act as if the directory itself was clicked if there is nothing to actually collapse.

It would save the extra click from doubleclicking the folder every time, and it would make it consistent with Explorer's behavior in some situations where it doesn't know what's in the folder.

#2907 Queue autorecovery after crash new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla forget the download/failed/succesfull Queue after closed the client

It should be viewable after close / restart.

#10575 example text file association for wrong OS new Bug report low FileZilla Client

In the window for customizing file associations, filezilla shows an example command line instruction for creating the association. The instruction for the mac version starts with c:\program files\... which is for Windows OS instead of MacOS.

#10597 Specify simultaneous transfers per server in addition to globally new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

FZ currently allows users to define the max simultaneous transfers (1-10) as well as concurrent downloads/uploads. Please add the ability to define concurrent download/uploads on server-basis. The goal is to have 1 download or upload running per server I have in my queue.

Let's say I have 100 files queued to download across 3 different servers. The expected behavior is to have 3 downloads running simultaneously with 1 from each server running. Currently, a global setting of 3 doesn't allow this.

#10601 Client - Option to inherit local permissions on downloaded files new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The client should have the option of inheriting local permission instead of preserving remote permissions on files downloaded from remote servers.

#10616 File transfert: yes/no overwrite or copied. How to know? new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When we transfert files and some files are existing in the target, we can choise to overwrite or not if the source/target is more recent. But in the log window, we only know if the transfert is ok/ko, but we don't know what it did: replace or not ?

I suggest to add a column like :

  • "copy" if the target is missing
  • "replace" if the target is replaced
  • "keep" if the file exist and it is not replaced

Thanks, Ruben

#10637 Download/Upload Green Progress Bar in Taskbar new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi FileZilla Devs, I would like to propose adding a status bar in the taskbar for Windows. Some programs such as Movie Maker, File Explorer, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome etc. have a green status bar that shows file transfer completion or download completion. It should be fairly easy to implement, you can look at the documentation here: And you may want to look at SetProgressValue. I would find this feature extremely beneficial and don't think it would be very hard to implement.

#10643 Add a keyboard shortcut for the "Reset and requeue" option new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As stated in the summary -- in my humble opinion this might improve the user experience for some people. Personally, I may have to re-upload or re-download files after small changes have been made to them, so the "Reset and requeue selected files" command is something I use very often.

#10648 Set maximum simultaneous transfers per-server rather than globally new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently, one can define the max transfers globally as well as max up and max down. A powerful addition would be to also define them on a per-sever basis. Use case: I want to download from server A and from server B. I have 100 files in queue from server A and I want to both transfers to run in parallel. Currently, I cannot do this without manually prioritization.

#10651 Use temporary directory to save updates new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It seems counter-productive to store automatically downloaded updates in one of the user's profile directories when in most cases it will be installed at launch anyway. I propose storing the downloaded files in a temporary directory and automatically cleaning them up when the update is run. This could also be made optional.

I, for example, use my Downloads directory to store permanent files rather than temporary downloads, and I find it somewhat annoying to go in there after a while and find one or more update files that I did not choose to download or place there, especially if I have to delete them myself.

#10653 Yes/No buttons to low for text inside new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Open Site manager and delete a post. The dialog that appears have Yes and No buttons. But part of the text is cut off.

Tested in Debian with GNOME.

#10660 Press [Enter] to connect to site new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When I press Command-S after I start FileZilla and get the site manager the first site is highlighted. It would be nice to be able to connect to that site with [Enter]. I personally only connect to one site but I imagine other people might want to be able to select between sites with the up-down cursors then connect with enter.

The funny thing is that this I remember being able to connect with enter in previous versions of filezilla.

#10666 Navigating with Backspace needs improvement new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Steps to reproduce:

  • Remote Site
  • Enter a sub-directory
  • Go back with Backspace key


  • Last directory is selected, but inactive (not blue)
  • It's not possible to press Enter to go into that directory again
  • It's not possible to press Space to "activate" the directory
  • You have to use Cursor Up and Down to then be able to use Enter again

Possible solution:

  • After going back, the directory where you came from should not only be selected, but also activated

Filezilla-Version: 3.14.0

#10667 Impractical behaviour of directory tree new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Steps to reproduce:

  • Remote Site > Tree
  • Have a directory with multiple sub-dirs
  • Select the last one and delete it


  • The parent directory is focused afterwards
  • This makes it impractical to delete multiple sub-dirs as you have to reposition the selection first

Possible solution:

  • After deleting one directory, the directory next to it (before) should be selected, not the parent dir

Filezilla-Version: 3.14.0

#10671 --version, --help result in non-zero exit code new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

On an up-to-date Arch Linux I get the following warning and return code. I don't know whether they are related, but *nix tools generally return exit code zero when just getting their version.

$ filezilla --version
Reading locale option from /home/victor/.filezilla/filezilla.xml
08:20:41: Warning: Mismatch between the program and library build versions detected.
The library used 3.0 (wchar_t,compiler with C++ ABI 1008,wx containers,compatible with 2.8),
and your program used 3.0 (wchar_t,compiler with C++ ABI 1009,wx containers,compatible with 2.8).
FileZilla 3.14.0, compiled on 2015-09-18
$ echo $?
#10672 --version, --help shouldn't need GTK+ new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

To reproduce:

[vagrant@archlinux ~]$ filezilla --version
Reading locale option from /home/vagrant/.config/filezilla/filezilla.xml
05:28:19: Warning: Mismatch between the program and library build versions detected.
The library used 3.0 (wchar_t,compiler with C++ ABI 1008,wx containers,compatible with 2.8),
and your program used 3.0 (wchar_t,compiler with C++ ABI 1009,wx containers,compatible with 2.8).
05:28:19: Error: Unable to initialize GTK+, is DISPLAY set properly?
[vagrant@archlinux ~]$ echo $?
#10676 Site manager displayed when connecting from command line new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

User interface behavior is inconsistent. If I set "Show the Site Manager at startup" option and connect to site from command line, the site is automatically connected and the Site Manager is displayed, where it should not be.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. set "Show the Site Manager at startup" in options.
  2. connect to site through command line filezilla --site="0/my site


  1. the connection to the site is established upon startup
  2. Site Manager is shown upon startup << should not happen

Solution: ignore "Show the Site Manager at startup" setting if --site command line parameter is used.

#10687 Option to disable the greeting menu new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Always if an upgrade to a new version is done FileZilla does show on the next start its greeting menu. Maybe there could be an option to disable this menu.

#10695 in Site Manager, can't search for site beginning with repeated letter reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

on Linux (at least) when FileZilla is compiled against GTK3 (at least), searching the sites listed in Site Manager by typing the beginning of the site name does not work if the site name begins with a repeated letter. (presumably this affects repeated letters mid-string, too.)

Let's say your site list consists of the following (and you start with "aa" selected): aa sa sb sc sd ssabcdefg sz

if you type "ssa" the result SHOULD be selecting "ssabcdefg", but instead it lands on "sa" ...

more specfically, when you type the first "s", the highlight moves to "sa" (as it should); when you type the second "s", the highlight moves to "sb" (the next entry starting with "s", rather than the entry starting with "ss"); and then when you type the "a", the highlight moves back to "sa". it seems that the search function ignores repeated letters :-(

Yes, this happens regardless of how quickly you type "ssa".

I am pretty sure this worked correctly in the past (specifically, I believe it worked correctly in Fedora 20, the last time FileZilla was compiled against GTK2 in that distro).

The search functionality is important when the site list includes hundreds.

#10705 Edited File Visual Indications and Context Menu Unedit option new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be helpful if we could enable some sort of visual styling or cues (e.g., pencil icon indicator) for files in the local pane being edited.

Additionally, it would be very helpful to have an Unedit option on the context menu for the local pane for files being edited. (Just grey out the menu option if not being edited.)

Much thanks for all your efforts on this invaluable FTP tool.

#10709 FileZilla Client: Uploaded Files Not Appearing in Remote Site Window new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

First, here are my specs:

FileZilla version: 3.14.1 Operating System: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1) Platform: 64-bit system

I'm noticing an interesting issue that I believe may be a bug.

When I attempt to upload a file, or several files, to the server where the website is located, the files will not appear in the Remote Site window.

At first, I thought that I had done something incorrect, so I just tried to upload a single file. Interestingly, when I did that, the file briefly appeared in the Remote site window, then disappeared. I tried it several times with that file and it repeated: the file would appear briefly in the Remote Site window, then disappear.

If I log into my cPanel on the server and view the files, that file, and the others that are not appearing in the Remote Site window within FileZilla, are indeed there. For some reason they are not appearing in the FileZilla Remote Site window.

I don't know if it makes a difference, but the files are .jpg image files.

If you need additional information, please let me know.

Thank you.

#10712 filezilla client not falling back to IPv4 new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

sftp connection, host has both IPv4 and IPv6. When service on IPv6 is not reachable, filezilla does not attempt to connect via IPv4.

#10717 FileZilla Client 3.14.1 - Edit of remote file it's not changed locally.... inside for more info... new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

From this last version i thinks it's been appared a little bug... i try to explain: I have a remote mini-pc (a Raspberry Pi2 whit osmc) on my lan have an ip sometime i need to edit some text config file on here (config.txt or check some log file etc etc). I use Notepad++ for internal editor...... i ever used it for editor and it's ever working.... for example: If i open the .log files the files it's been dowloaded in local temp file and after it's been opened on notepad++ like "on the fly" right ? If the log file it's been upgraded from Raspberry on Notepad++ this changed it's never been applied.... i need every time to re-download manually and reload manually. While in some older versions every about i re-open notepad++ if the file it's changed i obtain a pop-up suggest to me to re-load because the files it's changed locally and remotly...

On this last version this no more append.... I don't really know if it's a bug of filezilla. I have already ask on Notepad++ forum and somethings as say to me it's not a notepad++ bug..... at this point i try to ask here :)

#10724 desktop entry file: add key MimeType new Patch normal FileZilla Client

It would be good if the desktop entry file of FileZilla Client provided key "MimeType".

I don't know whether MIME Types for protocols other than FTP are defined and/or make sense but "x-scheme-handler/ftp" should sure be covered for a start which is what the attached patch does.

#10725 Provide Filezilla in Windows Store new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be extremely convenient to find FileZilla in Windows Store so that installing & updating could be done directly via the Store. I'd even pay some $ for it!

#10733 Ability to change tab title format new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Right now, a tab's title is set to the bookmark name plus the connection string with user@host. I name all of my bookmarks as "hostname: ip (user)" so that from the bookmark menu, I can see everything relevant. Unfortunately, most of that information is duplicated in the tab's title, making the tabs very wide.

Please consider allowing the end user to choose the format in which a tab's title is displayed.

#10735 filezilla undefined symbol: _ZN2fz13local_filesys14path_separatorE moreinfo Bug report low FileZilla Client

The latest filezilla, libfilezilla and WXwidgets for Ubuntu 14.04 Updating '.': At revision 7291. /home/johns/Compile/filezilla/compile

filezilla: symbol lookup error: ./src/interface/filezilla: undefined symbol: _ZN2fz13local_filesys14path_separatorE

This started quite a few updates ago. I searched for the symbol using gdb and can't find it. I suspect either libfilezilla or WXwidgets but haven't searched those yet. I have updated WXwidgets, libfilezilla and filezilla. Ubuntu 14.04 is also current with all updates.

This is probably something simple I'm missing, but I don't know what it is.

Yes, I tried the forums, but there is no such issue. The forums also are quite adamant about refusing me to register with a google E-Mail address. I am NOT going to change my E-Mail. If necessary I'll use the much older filezilla from my distribution.

#10737 “” is damaged and can’t be opened. reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When I try to start FileZilla 3.15 I get the following error:

“” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash.

OS: OSX 10.11.3

➜ ~ shasum -a 256 Downloads/ 05372ae7f8e88bcb7a9514a288ca2afbab25960fb538278c6c75b606ad8cc2ff Downloads/

I've downloaded the file multiple times from different sources, result is the same.

#10739 icon new Bug report low FileZilla Client

taskbar icon shows up twice when min to tray is on.

#10743 Site manager scroll wheel new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

In the quick selection site manager does not work scroll wheel.

#10744 filezilla not working after update(FileZilla_3.15.0.1) moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ---------- Response: 220-You are user number 1 of 150 allowed. Response: 220-Local time is now 16:46. Response: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login Response: 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server. Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 5 minutes of inactivity. Command: AUTH TLS Response: 234 AUTH TLS OK. Status: Initializing TLS... Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server

#10748 False warning “Target file already exists” new Feature request low FileZilla Client

I appreciate there would be considerable overhead in continually refreshing the display of the remote system so I’m not asking for that. However, I think it would be beneficial to automatically refresh the details of any files(s) about to be uploaded. Allow me to explain.

I upload FRED.TXT to a Linux server. On that server I discover a problem so I delete FRED.TXT from the remote system. Having locally modified FRED.TXT I attempt to upload the revised file, which produces a warning: “Target file already exists” even though it doesn’t.

Of course, if I had clicked the icon for “Refresh the file and folder lists” this message would not appear.

My question is as follows: can FileZilla automatically check to see if FRED.TXT still exists on the remote system?

#10753 Recent update moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi Guys

Following the recent update Filezilla now drops out after about 10mins even though I'm using to constantly. Any thoughts please?

#10756 since update FileZilla_3.15.0.2_win64-setup moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Since I have updated to latest version I am constantly getting corrupt .rar files. Seems to hang at end of file, I let it run it's course and finally finishes then when I extract I get a corrupt file. I do not get this using any other client and I know my sources to be good. Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit 8core 4 ghz AMD FX Black series CPU 16GB Vengence DDR3 RAM 1066 (shows in MSI suite) Also since FileZilla_3.15.0_win64-setup (I apologize I did not search database for this bug)now seems to hang after downloading a release within 5 minutes it won't refresh directory. Times our and reconnects.

#10757 OSX Filename Filters toggle key not working new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

On the Filename Filters menu, it says "Hold the shift key to toggle the filter state on both sides simultaneously," and this does not seem to be true.

I've tried shift, control, alt, option. command, and combinations of those together, and cannot get a simultaneous toggle to work.

#10760 Windows installer in other languages new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to see the FileZilla client windows installer in other languages. So i would like for it to be translateable so i can translate it.

#10761 Nightly Windows installer don't say its nightly new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I downloaded the nightly FileZilla client called FileZilla_3_setup.exe. But it seems both the filename and windows installer does not give any information that this is a nightly build.

Only after installation does it say. So people might install it thinking its a stable version.

So maybe add "nightly" both to the filename and in the windows installer so people can know.

#10766 password distorted when XML transfer between different OS moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi, I create xml output on windows pc and transfer my another work pc (ubuntu 14.04), and start problem right here :)

if my password just numeric or string or alpaNumeric, is fine, not problem

but if my password contain any chracter, (* ~ % & etc) , then password not working after transfer.

I've tested many times. same result

#10771 Queue stalls while asking for confirmation new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Behaviour: I am transferring multiple files to the server. I have set up Filezilla to ask me if a file in the queue has the same name as a file already on the server (overwrite, overwrite if newer, etc.). Filezilla suspends the whole queue until I answer. For example, say I want to upload 100 files and there is a query about the 11th file in the queue. Until I answer, files 12 – 100 are not uploaded.

Wanted behaviour: Filezilla should continue to transfer the rest of the files in the background while waiting for my answer. Upload of files 12 – 100 shouldn't depend on the answer about file 11. If Filezilla encounters a second question later in the queue, it can simply ask a new instance of the question.

#10772 FileZilla closes when selecting files to edit new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Action after queue completion also works for when editing files. That means FileZilla closes when selecting files in FTP to edit.

How to reproduce the bug?

  1. Open FileZilla client and login to a FTP server.
  2. Download some files.
  3. Selection the option 'Close FileZilla' under After queue completion option.
  4. When all the files are downloaded the FileZilla will close automatically.
  1. Now open the FileZilla client again.
  2. This time select some php or txt files to edit.
  3. Now the FileZilla client will close automatically, because the already selected Close FileZilla still in effect.

Bug! The auto close FileZilla option should only work for uploads and downloads, not when editing files.

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