Ticket #10669: stderr.txt

File stderr.txt, 1.1 KB (added by Tim Kosse, 9 years ago)

Error message when starting the sample

1filter:2:47: error: excess elements in vector initializer
2 return img.a * mix(c0, c1, dot(img.rgb, vec3(0,000000e+00, 0,000000e+00, 0,000000e+00)));
3 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~
4filter:1:6: error: non-void function should return a value
5vec4 _falseColor(vec4 img, vec4 c0, vec4 c1) {
6 ^
7** OpenCL Error Notification: [CL_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE] : OpenCL Error : Error: build program driver returned (-3) **
8** OpenCL Error Notification: OpenCL Warning : clBuildProgram failed: could not build program for 0xffffffff (Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz) (err:-3) **
9** OpenCL Error Notification: [CL_BUILD_ERROR] : OpenCL Build Error : Compiler build log:
10No kernels or only kernel prototypes found when build executable.
11 **
12Native OpenCL program build failed:
13No kernels or only kernel prototypes found when build executable.Kernel source code =
14#define premain__ci_unpremul__falseColor__sourceOut__ci_clamp_to_alpha_highp /**/
15#define lowp /**/
16#define sampler2D sampler2DRect
17#define texture2D texture2DRect
18// An error occurred, see stderr for the error message
19Unable to compile kernel. Not rendering.